Finished with recording sessions for album 1 Bach Complete Organ Works PIETER VAN DIJK

Last week we started with:

Bach Complete Organ Works

The recording sessions in the Grote Sint Laurenskerk in Alkmaar have been finished succesfully at this moment.
Clavier Übung III takes the largest space on this first album, complemented by:

– Fantasie und Fuge c-moll BWV 537
– Sonate V C-dur BWV 529
– Allabreve D-dur BWV 589
– And sung chorals

These last ones are sung by soprano Elma Timmers-Dekker and accompanied by Pieter van Dijk, also on the big monumental Van Hagerbeer/Schnitger-organ.

More info about the release of the first album and the rest of the series follows soon.